MGG / Heroes of the Storm / Guides Héros HOTS / Li-Ming /

Guides Héros HOTS : Li-Ming - Skins

Guides de Héros


Sorcière rebelle



Retrouvez ci-dessous tous les modèles de Li-Ming, disponibles dans l'onglet Collection.

Sorcière rebelle

Heroes of the Storm
Heroes of the Storm
Heroes of the Storm
Heroes of the Storm

Princesse des étoiles

Heroes of the Storm
Heroes of the Storm
Heroes of the Storm
Heroes of the Storm

Reine des étoiles

Heroes of the Storm
Heroes of the Storm
Heroes of the Storm

En tenue de volleyeuse

Heroes of the Storm
Heroes of the Storm
Heroes of the Storm
Heroes of the Storm
Heroes of the Storm
Heroes of the Storm

Tal Rasha

Heroes of the Storm
Heroes of the Storm
Heroes of the Storm
Heroes of the Storm


Heroes of the Storm
Heroes of the Storm
Heroes of the Storm
Heroes of the Storm


Heroes of the Storm
Heroes of the Storm
Heroes of the Storm
Heroes of the Storm
Heroes of the Storm

Lunaire (Saisonnier - Fête lunaire)

Heroes of the Storm
Heroes of the Storm
Heroes of the Storm
Heroes of the Storm
Heroes of the Storm
Heroes of the Storm
Nicolas Vergne

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