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WoW : Enchantement à Mists of Pandaria

WoW : Enchantement à Mists of Pandaria

Liste des nouveautés et changement liés à l'enchantement dans Mists of Pandaria

WoW : Enchantement à Mists of Pandaria

Mists of Pandaria

Jeudi 6 septembre 2012

MMO Champion
a publié une vidéo montrant le visuel de plusieurs enchantements d'armes de Mists of Pandaria, ainsi qu'un tableau avec leurs nouvelles statistiques.




Nom Description Compétence
Enchant Weapon - Elemental Force Enchante une arme de mêlée de façon permanente, celle-ci inflige parfois 3 000 dégâts élémentaires additionnels lorsque vous infligez des dégâts avec des techniques et attaques de mêlée. Exige un niveau d'objet de 372 ou plus.
525 550 575 600
Enchant Weapon - Windsong Enchante une arme de mêlée de façon permanente, celle-ci augmente parfois vos chances de coup critique, ou votre hâte ou la Maîtrise de 1 500 pendant 12 secondes lorsque vous infligez des dégâts avec des techniques et attaques de mêlée. Exige un niveau d'objet de 372 ou plus.
550 575 590 605
Enchant Weapon - Colossus Enchante une arme de mêlée de façon permanente, celle-ci invoque parfois un sort de protection mogu absorbant jusqu'à 7 500 dégâts lorsque vous infligez des dégâts avec des techniques et attaques de mêlée. Exige un niveau d'objet de 372 ou plus.
575 600 603 605
Enchant Weapon - Jade Spirit Enchante une arme de mêlée de façon permanente, celle-ci augmente parfois votre intelligence de 1 650 lorsque vous soignez ou infligez des dégâts avec vos sorts. S'il vous reste moins de 25% de votre mana lorsque l'effet se déclenche, votre esprit est aussi augmenté de 750. Exige un niveau d'objet de 372 ou plus.
600 615 615 615
Enchant Weapon - Dancing Steel Enchante une arme de mêlée de façon permanente, celle-ci augmente parfois votre force ou votre agilité par 1 650 lorsque vous infligez des dégâts avec des techniques et attaques de mêlée. Votre caractéristique la plus élevée est toujours choisie. Exige un niveau d'objet de 372 ou plus.
600 615 615 615
Enchant Weapon - River's Song Enchante une arme de mêlée de façon permanente, celle-ci augmente parfois votre esquive de 1 650 lorsque vous infligez des dégâts avec des techniques et attaques de mêlée. Exige un niveau d'objet de 372 ou plus.
600 615 615 615

Raiden Robin


Samedi 5 mai 2012


MMO Champion publiait il y a deux jours un tableau récapitulant toutes les nouveautés des métiers, concernant entre autres les formules d'enchantement au niveau 90.


Formules d'enchantement de Mists of Pandaria




90 Enchanting Formula: Enchant Boots - Blurred Speed
90 Enchanting Formula: Enchant Boots - Greater Haste
90 Enchanting Formula: Enchant Boots - Greater Precision
90 Enchanting Formula: Enchant Boots - Pandaren's Step
90 Enchanting Formula: Enchant Bracer - Greater Agility
90 Enchanting Formula: Enchant Bracer - Superior Dodge
90 Enchanting Formula: Enchant Bracer - Super Intellect
90 Enchanting Formula: Enchant Bracer - Mastery
90 Enchanting Formula: Enchant Bracer - Exceptional Strength
90 Enchanting Formula: Enchant Chest - Glorious Stats
90 Enchanting Formula: Enchant Chest - Super Resilience
90 Enchanting Formula: Enchant Chest - Mighty Spirit
90 Enchanting Formula: Enchant Chest - Superior Stamina
90 Enchanting Formula: Enchant Cloak - Greater Protection
90 Enchanting Formula: Enchant Cloak - Superior Critical Strike
90 Enchanting Formula: Enchant Cloak - Accuracy
90 Enchanting Formula: Enchant Cloak - Superior Intellect
90 Enchanting Formula: Enchant Gloves - Superior Expertise
90 Enchanting Formula: Enchant Gloves - Greater Haste
90 Enchanting Formula: Enchant Gloves - Superior Mastery
90 Enchanting Formula: Enchant Gloves - Super Strength
90 Enchanting Formula: Enchant Off-Hand - Major Intellect
90 Enchanting Formula: Enchant Ring - Greater Agility
90 Enchanting Formula: Enchant Ring - Greater Intellect
90 Enchanting Formula: Enchant Ring - Greater Stamina
90 Enchanting Formula: Enchant Ring - Greater Strength
90 Enchanting Formula: Enchant Weapon - Colossus
90 Enchanting Formula: Enchant Weapon - Flowing River
90 Enchanting Formula: Enchant Weapon - Elemental Force
90 Enchanting Formula: Enchant Weapon - Windsong
90 Enchanting Formula: Enchant Weapon - Jade Spirit
90 Enchanting Formula: Enchant Weapon - Dancing Steel



Jeudi 3 mai 2012


Wowhea a publié une mise à jour concernant certains enchantements. Ceci conerne principalement le score (rating), en effet ce mot est désormais retiré de la plupart des tooltips.


MMO Champion sur Enchantement (Source)

Disenchant - Ethereal Shard: Combines several greater essence into a single shard.

Reagent removed: Greater Mysterious Essence.
New reagent required: Ethereal Shard x1.

-Disenchant - Lesser Mysterious Essence: Combines several dust into a single lesser essence.

Reagent removed: Spirit Dust.
New reagent required: Lesser Mysterious Essence x1.

Disenchant - Sha Crystal: Combines several shards into a single crystal. This powerful transformation can only be done once every day.

Reagent removed: Ethereal Shard.
New reagent required: Sha Crystal x1.

Enchant Boots - Blurred Speed: Permanently enchants a pair of boots to increase movement speed slightly and Agility by 140. Requires a level 384372 or higher item.


Enchant Boots - Greater Haste: Permanently enchants a pair of boots to increase haste rating by 175. Requires a level 384372 or higher item.
Enchant Boots - Greater Precision: Permanently enchants a pair of boots to increase hit rating by 175. Requires a level 384372 or higher item.

Enchant Boots - Haste: Permanently enchant boots to increase haste rating by 50. Requires a level 300 or higher item.


Enchant Boots - Icewalker: Permanently enchant boots to increase critical strike and hit rating by 12. Requires a level 60 or higher item.


Enchant Boots - Lavawalker: Permanently enchant boots to increase movement speed by 8% and mastery rating by 35. Requires a level 300 or higher item.


Enchant Boots - Lesser Accuracy: Permanently enchant boots to increase hit rating by 5.


Enchant Boots - Mastery: Permanently enchant boots to increase mastery rating by 50. Requires a level 300 or higher item.


Enchant Boots - Pandaren's Step: Permanently enchants a pair of boots to increase movement speed slightly and mastery rating by 140. Requires a level384372 or higher item.


Enchant Boots - Precision: Permanently enchant boots to increase hit rating by 50. Requires a level 300 or higher item.


Enchant Boots - Surefooted: Permanently enchant boots to increase critical strike and hit rating by 10. Requires a level 35 or higher item.
Enchant Bracer - Critical Strike: Permanently enchant bracers to increase critical strike rating by 50. Requires a level 300 or higher item.


Enchant Bracer - Dodge: Permanently enchant bracers to increase dodge rating by 5.


Enchant Bracer - Exceptional Strength: Permanently enchants bracers to increase Strength by 170. Requires a level 384372 or higher item.


Enchant Bracer - Expertise: Permanently enchant bracers to increase expertise rating by 15. Requires a level 60 or higher item.


Enchant Bracer - Greater Agility: Permanently enchants bracers to increase Agility by 170. Requires a level 384372 or higher item.


Enchant Bracer - Greater Critical Strike: Permanently enchant bracers to increase critical strike rating by 65. Requires a level 300 or higher item.


Enchant Bracer - Greater Dodge: Permanently enchant bracers to increase dodge rating by 12. Requires a level 35 or higher item.


Enchant Bracer - Greater Expertise: Permanently enchant bracers to increase expertise rating by 50. Requires a level 300 or higher item.


Enchant Bracer - Greater Speed: Permanently enchant bracers to increase haste rating by 65. Requires a level 300 or higher item.


Enchant Bracer - Lesser Dodge: Permanently enchant bracers to increase dodge rating by 3.


Enchant Bracer - Mastery: Permanently enchants bracers to increase mastery rating by 170. Requires a level 384372 or higher item.


Enchant Bracer - Minor Dodge: Permanently enchant bracers to increase dodge rating by 2.


Enchant Bracer - Minor Health: Permanently enchant bracers to increase health by 5.


Enchant Bracer - Minor Stamina: Permanently enchant bracers to increase Stamina by 1.


Enchant Bracer - Precision: Permanently enchant bracers to increase hit rating by 50. Requires a level 300 or higher item.


Enchant Bracer - Speed: Permanently enchant bracers to increase haste rating by 50. Requires a level 300 or higher item.


Enchant Bracer - Super Intellect: Permanently enchants bracers to increase Intellect by 170. Requires a level 384372 or higher item.


Enchant Bracer - Superior Dodge: Permanently enchant bracers to increase dodge rating by 50. Requires a level 300 or higher item.


Enchant Bracer - Superior Dodge: Permanently enchants bracers to increase dodge rating by 170. Requires a level 384372 or higher item.


Enchant Chest - Dodge: Permanently enchant chest armor to increase dodge rating by 18. Requires a level 35 or higher item.


Enchant Chest - Exceptional Resilience: Permanently enchant chest armor to increase resilience rating by 20. Requires a level 60 or higher item.


Enchant Chest - Glorious Stats: Permanently enchants chest armor to increase all stats by 80. Requires a level 384372 or higher item.


Enchant Chest - Greater Dodge: Permanently enchant chest armor to increase dodge rating by 22. Requires a level 60 or higher item.


Enchant Chest - Major Resilience: Permanently enchant chest armor to increase resilience rating by 15. Requires a level 35 or higher item.


Enchant Chest - Mighty Resilience: Permanently enchant chest armor to increase resilience rating by 40. Requires a level 300 or higher item.


Enchant Chest - Mighty Spirit: Permanently enchants chest armor to increase Spirit by 200. Requires a level 384372 or higher item.


Enchant Chest - Minor Mana: Permanently enchant chest armor to increase mana by 5.


Enchant Chest - Super Resilience: Permanently enchants chest armor to increase resilience rating by 200. Requires a level 384372 or higher item.


Enchant Chest - Superior Stamina: Permanently enchants chest armor to increase Stamina by 300. Requires a level 384372 or higher item.


Enchant Cloak - Accuracy: Permanently enchants a cloak to increase hit rating by 180. Requires a level 384372 or higher item.


Enchant Cloak - Critical Strike: Permanently enchant a cloak to increase critical strike rating by 50. Requires a level 300 or higher item.


Enchant Cloak - Dodge: Permanently enchant a cloak to increase dodge rating by 12. Requires a level 35 or higher item.


Enchant Cloak - Greater Critical Strike: Permanently enchant a cloak to increase critical strike rating by 65. Requires a level 300 or higher item.


Enchant Cloak - Greater Dodge: Permanently enchant a cloak to increase dodge rating by 14. Requires a level 35 or higher item.


Enchant Cloak - Greater Protection: Permanently enchants a cloak to increase armor by 550. Requires a level 384372 or higher item.


Enchant Cloak - Greater Speed: Permanently enchant a cloak to increase haste rating by 23. Requires a level 60 or higher item.


Enchant Cloak - Speed: Permanently enchant a cloak to increase haste rating by 15. Requires a level 60 or higher item.


Enchant Cloak - Stealth: Permanently enchant a cloak to increase Agility and dodge rating by 8.


Enchant Cloak - Superior Critical Strike: Permanently enchants a cloak to increase critical strike rating by 180. Requires a level 384372 or higher item.


Enchant Cloak - Superior Dodge: Permanently enchant a cloak to increase dodge rating by 18. Requires a level 60 or higher item.


Enchant Cloak - Superior Intellect: Permanently enchants a cloak to increase Intellect by 180. Requires a level 384372 or higher item.


Enchant Gloves - Armsman: Permanently enchant gloves to increase threat caused by 2% and increase parry rating by 10. Requires a level 60 or higher item.


Enchant Gloves - Blasting: Permanently enchant gloves increase critical strike rating by 10. Requires a level 35 or higher item.


Enchant Gloves - Expertise: Permanently enchant gloves to increase expertise rating by 15. Requires a level 60 or higher item.


Enchant Gloves - Greater Expertise: Permanently enchant gloves to increase expertise rating by 50. Requires a level 300 or higher item.


Enchant Gloves - Greater Haste: Permanently enchants gloves to increase haste rating by 170. Requires a level 384372 or higher item.


Enchant Gloves - Greater Mastery: Permanently enchant gloves to increase mastery rating by 65. Requires a level 300 or higher item.


Enchant Gloves - Haste: Permanently enchant gloves to increase haste rating by 50. Requires a level 300 or higher item.


Enchant Gloves - Mastery: Permanently enchant gloves to increase mastery rating by 50. Requires a level 300 or higher item.


Enchant Gloves - Minor Haste: Permanently enchant gloves to increase haste rating by 10.


Enchant Gloves - Precise Strikes: Permanently enchant gloves to increase hit rating by 15. Requires a level 35 or higher item.


Enchant Gloves - Precision: Permanently enchant gloves to increase hit rating by 20. Requires a level 60 or higher item.


Enchant Gloves - Super Strength: Permanently enchants gloves to increase Strength by 170. Requires a level 384372 or higher item.


Enchant Gloves - Superior Expertise: Permanently enchants gloves to increase expertise rating by 170. Requires a level 384372 or higher item.


Enchant Gloves - Superior Mastery: Permanently enchants gloves to increase mastery rating by 170. Requires a level 384372 or higher item.


Enchant Off-Hand - Major Intellect: Permanently enchants a shield or off-hand item to increase Intellect by 165. Requires a level 384372 or higher item.


Enchant Ring - Greater Agility: Permanently enchants your ring to increase Agility by 160. Requires a level 384372 or higher item.


Enchant Ring - Greater Intellect: Permanently enchants your ring to increase Intellect by 160. Requires a level 384372 or higher item.


Enchant Ring - Greater Stamina: Permanently enchants your ring to increase Stamina by 160. Requires a level 384372 or higher item.


Enchant Ring - Greater Strength: Permanently enchants your ring to increase Strength by 160. Requires a level 384372 or higher item.


Enchant Shield - Dodge: Permanently enchant a shield to increase dodge rating by 20. Requires a level 60 or higher item.


Enchant Shield - Lesser Dodge: Permanently enchant a shield to increase dodge rating by 12. Requires a level 35 or higher item.


Enchant Shield - Lesser Parry: Permanently enchant a shield to increase parry rating by 10.


Enchant Shield - Mastery: Permanently enchant a shield to increase mastery rating by 50. Requires a level 300 or higher item.


Enchant Shield - Parry: Permanently enchant a shield to increase parry rating by 15. Requires a level 35 or higher item.


Enchant Shield - Resilience: Permanently enchant a shield to increase resilience rating by 12. Requires a level 35 or higher item.


Enchant Weapon - Accuracy: Permanently enchant a melee weapon to increase critical strike and hit rating by 25. Requires a level 60 or higher item.


Enchant Weapon - Black Magic: Permanently enchant a melee weapon to cause your harmful spells to sometimes increase haste rating by 250. Requires a level 60 or higher item.


Enchant Weapon - Blade Ward: Permanently enchant a weapon to sometimes grant Blade Warding when striking an enemy. Blade Warding increases your parry rating by 200 and inflicts 600 to 800 damage on your next parry. Lasts 10 sec.\n\nThis enchantment requires the wielder is at least level 75.


Enchant Weapon - Colossus: Permanently enchants a melee weapon to make your damaging melee strikes sometimes activate a Mogu protection spell, absorbing up to 7,500 damage. Requires a level 384372 or higher item.


Enchant Weapon - Dancing Steel: Permanently enchants a melee weapon to sometimes increase your Strength or Agility by 1,650 when dealing melee damage. Your highest stat is always chosen. Requires a level 384372 or higher item.


Enchant Weapon - Elemental Force: Permanently enchants a melee weapon to sometimes inflict 2775 to 3225 additional Elemental damage when dealing damage with spells and melee attacks. Requires a level 384372 or higher item.


Enchant Weapon - Executioner: Permanently enchant a melee weapon to occasionally grant you 120 critical strike rating. Only one instance of this effect can be active at a time. Requires a level 60 or higher item.


Enchant Weapon - Flowing River: Permanently enchants a melee weapon to sometimes increase your dodge rating by 1,650 for 12 sec when dealing melee damage. Requires a level 384372 or higher item.


Enchant Weapon - Hurricane: Permanently enchant a melee weapon to sometimes increase haste rating by 450 for 12 sec when healing or dealing spell or melee damage. Requires a level 300 or higher item.


Enchant Weapon - Jade Spirit: Permanently enchants a melee weapon to sometimes increase your Intellect by 1,650 when healing or dealing damage with spells. If less than 25% of your mana remains when the effect is triggered, your Spirit will also increase by 750. Requires a level 384372 or higher item.


Enchant Weapon - Mongoose: Permanently enchant a melee weapon to occasionally increase Agility by 120 and haste rating by 30. Requires a level 35 or higher item.


Enchant Weapon - Windsong: Permanently enchants a melee weapon to sometimes increase your critical strike, haste, or mastery rating by 1500 for 12 sec when dealing damage with spells and melee attacks. Requires a level 384372 or higher item.


Enchant Weapon - Windwalk: "Permanently enchant a weapon to sometimes increase dodge rating by 600 and movement speed by 15% for 10 sec when striking in melee, stacking with passive movement speed effects. Requires a level 300 or higher item."


Enchanting: Allows an enchanter to enchant basic items up to a maximum potential skill of 75. Requires Dusts and Essences found by disenchanting magic items.


Enchanting: Allows an enchanter to enchant weapons and armor up to a maximum potential skill of 150.



Jeudi 12 avril 2012


Voici les différents éléments ajoutés sur la bêta de Mists of Pandaria lors des dernières mises à jour concernant les enchantements.

Vous ne trouverez pas grande nouveauté par rapport aux données de l'autre jour. Voici tout de même une liste des enchantements classés par MMO Champion : composants, enchantements d'armures, d'armes, d'anneaux et de bas niveau.

MMO Champion sur Enchantement (Source)


- Spirit Dust

- Lesser Mysterious Essence - Also can be crafted.

- Greater Mysterious Essence - Also can be crafted.

- Small Ethereal Shard

- Ethereal Shard - Also can be crafted.

- Sha Crystal - Also can be crafted.

Enchantements d'armures

- Enchant Off-Hand - Major Intellect - Permanently enchants a shield or off-hand item to increase Intellect by 165.

- Enchant Gloves - Superior Mastery - Permanently enchants gloves to increase mastery rating by 170.

- Enchant Gloves - Superior Expertise - Permanently enchants gloves to increase expertise rating by 170.

- Enchant Gloves - Greater Haste - Permanently enchants gloves to increase haste rating by 170.

- Enchant Boots - Pandaren's Step - Permanently enchants a pair of boots to increase movement speed slightly and mastery rating by 140.

- Enchant Boots - Blurred Speed - Permanently enchants a pair of boots to increase movement speed slightly and Agility by 140.

- Enchant Boots - Greater Precision - Permanently enchants a pair of boots to increase hit rating by 175.

- Enchant Boots - Greater Haste - Permanently enchants a pair of boots to increase haste rating by 175.

- Enchant Cloak - Superior Critical Strike - Permanently enchants a cloak to increase critical strike rating by 180.

- Enchant Cloak - Superior Intellect - Permanently enchants a cloak to increase Intellect by 180.

- Enchant Cloak - Greater Protection - Permanently enchants a cloak to increase armor by 550.

- Enchant Cloak - Accuracy - Permanently enchants a cloak to increase hit rating by 180.

- Enchant Chest - Superior Stamina - Permanently enchants chest armor to increase Stamina by 300.

- Enchant Chest - Glorious Stats - Permanently enchants chest armor to increase all stats by 80.

- Enchant Chest - Mighty Spirit - Permanently enchants chest armor to increase Spirit by 200.

- Enchant Chest - Super Resilience - Permanently enchants chest armor to increase resilience rating by 200.

- Enchant Bracer - Greater Agility - Permanently enchants bracers to increase Agility by 170.

- Enchant Bracer - Super Intellect - Permanently enchants bracers to increase Intellect by 170.

- Enchant Bracer - Exceptional Strength - Permanently enchants bracers to increase Strength by 170.

- Enchant Bracer - Superior Dodge - Permanently enchants bracers to increase dodge rating by 170.

- Enchant Bracer - Mastery - Permanently enchants bracers to increase mastery rating by 170.

Enchantements d'armes

- Enchant Weapon - Windsong - Permanently enchants a melee weapon to sometimes increase your critical strike, haste, or mastery rating by 1,500 for 12 sec when dealing damage with spells and melee attacks.

- Enchant Weapon - Jade Spirit - Permanently enchants a melee weapon to sometimes increase your Intellect by 1,650 when healing or dealing damage with spells. If less than 25% of your mana remains when the effect is triggered, your Spirit will also increase by 750.

- Enchant Weapon - Elemental Force - Permanently enchants a melee weapon to sometimes inflict 3,000 additional damage when dealing damage with spells and melee attacks.

- Enchant Weapon - Dancing Steel - Permanently enchants a melee weapon to sometimes increase your Strength or Agility by 1,650 when dealing melee damage. Your highest stat is always chosen.

- Enchant Weapon - Colossus - Permanently enchants a melee weapon to make your damaging melee strikes sometimes activate a Mogu protection spell, absorbing up to 7,500 damage.

- Enchant Weapon - Flowing River - Permanently enchants a melee weapon to sometimes increase your dodge rating by 1,650 for 12 sec when dealing melee damage.

Enchantements d'anneaux

- Enchant Ring - Greater Agility - Permanently enchants your ring to increase Agility by 160.

- Enchant Ring - Greater Intellect - Permanently enchants your ring to increase Intellect by 160.

- Enchant Ring - Greater Stamina - Permanently enchants your ring to increase Stamina by 160.

- Enchant Ring - Greater Strength - Permanently enchants your ring to increase Strength by 160.

Bas niveau

- Formula: Enchant Cloak - Minor Stats - Permanently enchant a cloak to increase all stats by 1.

- Formula: Enchant Cloak - Lesser Stats - Permanently enchant a cloak to increase all stats by 3.

- Formula: Enchant Cloak - Stats - Permanently enchant a cloak to increase all stats by 5.

- Formula: Enchant Cloak - Greater Stats - Permanently enchant a cloak to increase all stats by 7.

- Formula: Enchant Cloak - Superior Stats - Permanently enchant a cloak to increase all stats by 9.



Jeudi 22 mars 2012

Les premières infos extraites du jeu permettent d'en apprendre plus sur les métiers, voici les premiers éléments dataminés trouvés par le site Wowhead dont vous trouverez sur cette page une adaptation de son article paru ce 22 mars.



Ethereal Shard
Greater Mysterious Essence
Sha Crystal
Spirit Dust


Enchantements rares

Enchant Weapon - Colossus
Enchant Weapon - Flowing River
Enchant Weapon - Windsong
Enchant Weapon - Jade Spirit
Enchant Weapon - Elemental Force
Enchant Weapon - Dancing Steel


Enchantements communs

Enchant Off-Hand - Major Intellect
Enchant Gloves - Superior Mastery
Enchant Gloves - Super Strength
Enchant Gloves - Superior Expertise
Enchant Gloves - Greater Haste
Enchant Boots - Pandaren's Step
Enchant Boots - Blurred Speed
Enchant Boots - Greater Precision
Enchant Boots - Greater Haste
Enchant Cloak - Superior Critical Strike
Enchant Cloak - Superior Intellect
Enchant Cloak - Greater Protection
Enchant Cloak - Accuracy
Enchant Chest - Superior Stamina
Enchant Chest - Glorious Stats
Enchant Chest - Mighty Spirit
Enchant Chest - Super Resilience
Enchant Bracer - Greater Agility
Enchant Bracer - Exceptional Strength
Enchant Bracer - Super Intellect
Enchant Bracer - Superior Dodge
Enchant Bracer - Mastery




En Continu

10:23 Ce nouveau familier sur WoW a le pouvoir de téléporter les joueurs !
15:16 "On va limiter les fonctionnalités", les joueurs de WoW ne pourront plus faire ce qu'ils veulent avec les addons du MMO
05:06 Les joueurs de WoW sont en colère suite à l'annonce de ce report sur le célèbre MMO de Blizzard
11:36 Ce père et son fils reviennent sur WoW après des années et font des jaloux avec leurs montures super rares
08:57 Bientôt un nouveau donjon totalement inédit sur WoW ?
15:50 WoW : Une idée des développeurs pourrait tout changer au système des donjons mis en place depuis des années
11:04 Fête du Voile d'hiver WoW : Tout savoir sur l'événement saisonnier du mois de décembre pour The War Within
04:26 La mise à jour 11.0.7 de WoW va apporter de nombreuses nouvelles récompenses cosmétiques, mais pas que !
17:11 Ces 15 nouvelles classes pourraient très prochainement arriver sur WoW !
11:34 WoW doit absolument effectuer ces gros changements pour rendre le MMO à nouveau amusant



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à découvrir

Fête du Voile d'hiver WoW : Tout savoir sur l'événement saisonnier du mois de décembre pour The War Within
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