Une nouvelle extension arrive sur Magic Arena, son teasing a commencé il y a un bon moment, mais avec le temps, de plus en plus d'informations sont révélées. Les cartes disponibles dans cette extension commencent à sortir, tel que le nouveau Planeswalker Oko.
Dates à retenir
- 26 septembre : sortie sur Magic Arena
- 28-29 septembre : Avant-Première en boutique
Liste des cartes (noms anglais / français)
- Archon of Absolution / Archonte de l'absolution
- All that glitters
- Ardenvale Tactician
- Beloved Princess
- Defining silence
- Faerie Guidemother
- Garrison Griffin
- Giant Killer
- Glass Casket
- Harmonious Archon
- Kentirh, the returned king
- Knight of the Keep
- Mace of the Valiant
- Righteousness
- Shining Armor
- Silverflame Ritual
- Silverwing Squadron
- The Circle of Loyalty
- Trapped in the Tower
- True Love's Kiss
- Venerable Knight
- Animating Faerie
- Corridor Monitor
- Faerie Formation
- Faerie Vandal
- Folio of fancies
- Frogify
- Gadwick, the Wizened
- Hypnotic Spirite
- Into the Story
- Midnight Clock
- Mirror Made
- Mistford River Turtle
- Mystical Dispute
- Oko's Accomplices
- Opt
- Run Away Together
- Shimmer Dragon
- Stolen by the Fae
- The Magic Mirror
- Tome Raider
- Turn into a Pumpkin
- Vantress Gargoyle
- Wishful Merfolk
- Witching Well
- Ayara, First of Flochtwain
- Bake into a Pie
- Belle of the Brawl
- Bog Naughty
- Cauldron Familiar
- Chittering Witch
- Clackbridge Troll
- Epic Downfall
- Eye Collector
- Foulmire Knight
- Lost Legion
- Murderous Rider
- Oathsworn Knight
- Order of Midnight
- Piper of the Swarm
- Rankle, Master of Pranks
- Reave Soul
- Revenge of Ravens
- Smitten Swordmaster
- Syr Konrad, the Grim
- Taste of Death
- Wicked Guardian
- Wishclaw Talisman
- Witch's Veneance
- Bargein
- Bone Crusher Giant
- Blow your house down
- Brimestone Trebuchet
- Burning-Yard Trainer
- Claim the Firstborn
- Crystal Slipper
- Embercleave
- Embereth Paladin
- Embereth Shieldbreaker
- Embereth Skyblazer
- Ferocity of the Wilds
- Fervent Champion
- Irencrag Feat
- Joust
- Ogre Errant
- Opportunistic Dragon
- Raging Redcap
- Redcap Raiders
- Robber of the Rich
- Rowan, Fearless Sparkmage
- Rowan's Battleguard
- Rowan's Stalwarts
- Scorching Dragonfire
- Searing Barrage
- Seven Dwarves
- Skullnocker Ogre
- Slaying Fire
- Sundering Stroke
- Syr Carah, the Bold
- Beanstalk Giant
- Brambelefort Fink
- Curious pair / Paire de curieux
- Edgewall Innkeeper
- Feasting Troll King
- Fell the Pheasant
- Fierce Witchstalker
- Flaxen Intruder
- Garenbrig Paladin
- Gilded Goose
- Insatiable Appetite
- Keeper of Fables
- Lovestruck Beast
- Maraleaf rider
- Once and Future
- Once upon a time
- Outmuscle
- Questing Beast
- Return to Nature
- Rosethorn Acolyte
- Steelbane Hydra
- Trail of Crumbs / Piste de miettes
- Thorn Mammoth
- Wicked Wolf
- Wildwood Tracker
- Wolf's Quarry
- Alela, Artful Provocateur
- Arcanist's Owl
- Banish into Fable
- Chulane, Teller of Tales
- Dance of the Manse
- Doom Foretold
- Elite Headhunter
- Faeburrow Elder
- Fireborn Knight
- Garruk, Cursed Huntsman
- Gluttonous Troll
- Grumgullyu the Generous
- Inspiring Veteran
- Knights' Charge
- Korvold, Fae-Cursed King
- Lochmere Serpent
- Loch Dragon
- Maraleaf Pixie
- Oakhame Ranger
- Oko's Hospitality
- Oko, the Trickster
- Oko, Thief of Crowns
- Outlaws Merriment
- Savvy Hunter
- Shinechaser
- Steelclaw Lance
- Syr Gwyn, Hero of Ashvale
- The Royal Scions
- Thunderous Snapper
- Wandermare
- Wintermoor Commander
- Arcane Signet
- Clockwork Servant
- Enchanted Carriage
- Gingerbrute
- Golden Egg
- Hengewalker
- Heraldic Banner
- Inquisitive Puppet
- Jousting Dummy
- Roving Keep
- Shambling Suit
- Sorcerous Spyglass
- Spinning Wheel
- Tome of Legends
- Witch's Oven
- Command Tower
- Thornwood Falls
- Tournament Grounds
- Wind-Scarred Crag
- Witch's Cottage