Overwatch : Mise à jour
Un nouveau patch a été déployé cette nuit pour Overwatch. Et contrairement aux précédents, en plus des habituels correctifs et équilibrages du jeu, il ajoute de nouvelles fonctionnalités.
Première nouveauté, un nouveau mode de jeu, le Brawl, qui proposera des affrontements très spécifiques chaque semaine, un peu comme ce que l’on peut retrouver sur Heathstone. Le premier mis en place, permet de jouer 2 héros spécifiques, Genji et Hanzo. Leurs vies sont augmentées, le temps de recharge de leurs sorts sont plus court, mais l’ultime quant à lui est bien plus long à se charger.
Alors si vous avez envie de revivre les affrontements entre ces deux frères, c’est le moment d’aller faire un p’tit Brawl !
Au rayon des ajouts, on voit enfin arriver les hauts faits qui n’étaient pas encore dans le jeu. Ceci est habituel dans les jeux de Blizzard qui en propose depuis Starcraft 2 et World of Warcraft. Depuis, ceci a été étendu à d’autres jeux du studio californien.
On retrouve les habituels hauts faits de niveau, médailles et victoires en partie. S’ajoute à cela des hauts faits pour les rôles spécifiques de tank, attaquant, défenseur et support, et bien évidemment de carte. Tous ces hauts faits apporteront de nouveaux sprays pour les joueurs.
Blizzard continue aussi sur sa lancée de la personnalisation avec de nouveaux skins pour plusieurs héros, comme Torbjorn et son skin pirate, Chacal et son skin joker, et bien d’autres.
On aurait pu penser que c’était déjà pas mal et que le patch était complet, mais Blizzard a en plus de tout cela ajouter une nouvelle carte au jeu, la Route 66 qui va prendre place vraisemblablement place dans le Nevada, ou du moins un état aride et où se trouve le Grand Canyon.
Pour finir, Blizzard peaufine son interface avec des améliorations graphiques et visuelles pour mieux distinguer les médailles, voir ses amis, qu’ils soient sur Overwatch ou sur les autres jeux Bnet.
Vous pouvez retrouver ci-dessous l'intégralité du patch note (en anglais pour le moment) :
New Escort Map: Route 66
Though the travelers and road trippers who used to cross the US on historic Route 66 are gone, the Main Street of America still stands, a testament to a simpler time. The gas stations, roadside shops, and cafes have gone into disuse, and the fabled Deadlock Gorge is mostly seen from the comfort of transcontinental train cars. But amid the fading monuments of that earlier era, the outlaws of the Deadlock Gang are planning their biggest heist yet.
New Play Mode: Weekly Brawl!
Similar to its namesake feature in Hearthstone, Weekly Brawls are a fun, alternative way to play Overwatch. Each week, we’ll rotate in a different Weekly Brawl featuring a set of unique (and sometimes crazy) rules from our Custom Game system.
For example: In one Weekly Brawl, you’ll only be able to play Soldier: 76, while in another Weekly Brawl, a random hero will be selected for you each time you respawn. Other Weekly Brawls will restrict you to Support heroes only, or Tank heroes only, or Defense heroes only—and more!
To join a Weekly Brawl, select "Play" from the main menu and then select "Weekly Brawl!" You can queue up solo or in a party, and you’ll be matched into a 6v6 game versus other players.
>> NOTE: For the purposes of testing, Weekly Brawls are currently set to rotate once per day rather than once per week. This cadence is for the beta only and will be return to its normally-scheduled weekly rotation in the near future. <<
Developer comments: We love the Tavern Brawl system in Hearthstone and are excited to bring a similar style of play into Overwatch. However, even though we think Weekly Brawls can add a lot of fun to the game, the feature is still a work in progress and something we consider more of an experiment for now. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy testing the sample
Weekly Brawls we’ve set up and look forward to your feedback!
New Feature: Highlights
To complement our Play of the Game feature, personal gameplay “highlights” may now be surfaced to players via the main menu after they’ve completed at least one match. The game can currently store up to five of the most recent highlights from your active gaming session.
Please note that there is currently no way to export your highlights from the game client and that all highlights will be reset whenever you log out.
Updated Feature: Play of the Game
Overall, the Play of the Game feature has been a lot of fun and well-received by the community. However, there are still a lot of improvements we’d like to make so that the gameplay highlighted at the end of each match is more varied and interesting to watch.
To that end, we will now be capturing different types of gameplay during a match—based on four new categories—and then comparing those moments against each other to find the best Play of the Game for that round of play. The new Play of the Game categories available in this patch are as follows:
High Score: This category is intended to feature large multikills and quick killstreaks. The larger the multikill, the quicker the kill streak, and the closer one is to an objective will all increase a player’s “High Score” score. (Note: This is the category under which all existing Plays of the Game would fall.)
This category is intended to feature situations where one player is able to save another player (or players) from imminent death. For example: If a Reinhardt has an enemy pinned, and that enemy’s teammate stuns or kills the Reinhardt, the teammate would be awarded a large amount of “Lifesaver” score.
Sharpshooter: This category is
intended to feature difficult or skillful kills. For this category, the game will be looking at factors like movement speed, the distance at which the attack occurred, whether or not the attack was a headshot, and if the victim of the attack was in the air at the time, etc. Each of these variables will increase a player’s “Sharpshooter” score.
Shutdown: This category is intended to feature moments in which one player kills another player (or players) right as they were about to do something particularly impactful. An example of this would be if a Widowmaker snipes a Lúcio in the middle casting Sound Barrier for his team. In this instance, the game will predict how impactful that Sound Barrier would have been and then award the Widowmaker player an appropriate “Shutdown” score in return.
The player who has the highest score in any one of these four categories at the end of the match will receive the Play of the Game. If the winning Play of the Game category is Lifesaver, Sharpshooter, or Shutdown then the category name will be called out during the highlight intro. If the winning category is High Score, however, no callout will be provided.
With these additions, we’ve also retuned some of the existing Play of the Game ratings to make it more viable for other abilities gain the spotlight—like Mercy’s Resurrect.
Developer comments: This is just the start of what we want to achieve with Plays of the Game, but we wanted to get these initial changes into your hands as soon as possible so you can work with us to make the system even better. In the future, we’ll be looking to add new features to the Play of the Game system, too—such as dynamic cameras for playback, as well as more varied categories. So get out there and play and let us know what you think!
Player Progression
Achievements have been added
All available and unlocked achievements can be viewed in the Career Profile
> Achievements tab
Select achievements will now unlock general and hero-specific sprays (which can be equipped in
the Hero Gallery)
Players will now unlock a new portrait frame every 10 levels, instead of only at levels 10,
25, 50, and 100
Promotions have been added
Players will now receive a promotion every 100 levels
When a player receives a promotion, they will unlock a new portrait frame theme
With each new promotion, the
player’s level (and the EXP required to level) will be reset
New Legendary skins have been added for several
"Antique" Bastion
“Junker” D.Va
“Stinger” D.Va
“Jester” Junkrat
Hopper" Lúcio
"Riverboat" McCree
"Vigilante" McCree
“Nevermore” Reaper
"Stunt Rider: 76"
Soldier: 76"
“Barbarossa” Torbjörn
“Blackbeard” Torbjörn
"Cybergoth" Zarya
Plays of the
Games have received a polish pass (see above)
Joining and Leaving Games
Consecutive Match Bonus
Players will now receive an EXP bonus for playing multiple matches in
Player Backfill Match Bonus
Players who backfill into a match will no longer receive a
loss for that match (even if it ends in a defeat), but can still receive a win
These players will also receive an
additional EXP bonus for the match, if completed
Leaver Penalty
Players who leave an in-progress
match will now receive an automatic loss
Players who repeatedly leave in-progress matches will also receive a
temporary penalty on EXP gained from future matches (this penalty will persist as long as the player continues to repeatedly
leave in-progress matches)
Developer comments: The consecutive match bonus, along with the leaver penalty, should hopefully incentivize players to
complete the matches they begin. Unfortunately, many players have been leaving in-game matches at the first sign of
difficulty, even in games where their team could still win. As a result, the leaving player’s team would be at a large
disadvantage until a backfill could be found. Speaking of backfills: We want the process of joining an in-progress match to
be a positive experience, even if you happen to enter right as the game ends. To assist with this, players who backfill
matches will still receive a notable amount of experience, regardless of how long they played.
Group Improvements
Players can now request to “Join a Group”
When a group leader leaves a game, he or she will now have the
option to leave with the group intact
Expanded preferences for groups have been added to the Options menu:
Option to allow current group members to invite other players to the group
Option to allow “Anyone,” “Friends,”
or “No One” to join your group without an invite
The new player experience has been updated
The Tutorial and Practice Range have received a polish pass
Dialogs will now guide new players through the Tutorial, Practice Range, and Practice vs AI modes before
recommending Quick Play
Players can now browse the main menu while queued for Quick Play, Play vs AI, or Weekly
Brawl! games
“Healing Done” has replaced “Final Blows” as an available end-of-match medal
commendations have received another tuning pass
AI heroes will now melee and use Health Packs
New routes have been added for the first and second control points
Removed some walls around the second
control point
The following hero abilities will now ignore payloads during Line of Sight checks:
Lúcio > Crossfade and
Sound Barrier
Mei > Blizzard
Reinhardt > Earthshatter
Soldier: 76 > Biotic Field
Zenyatta >
Developer comments: We’re relaxing the line of sight restrictions payloads can cause for certain abilities, where it
makes sense. This change should hopefully make these abilities feel more consistent when playing on Escort maps.
Orb of Harmony and Orb of Discord
Now automatically return if their targets are out of line of sight for
more than 3 seconds
Developer comments: We realize this is a pretty major change, but it’s one we’d like to test and see how it plays out.
The “fire and forget” playstyle that many Zenyatta players utilize for orb placement not only has caused several balance
issues, but also made the hero a lot less interesting to play. With this change, instead of putting Orb of Harmony on a
single person and leaving it on them until they die, Zenyatta players will now need to move the orb around more frequently
to effectively heal their team. This change also allows for enemies to be able to shake off an Orb of Discord if they
disengage for some time.
Options Menu
Players can now choose to skip “Skirmish Mode” while in queue
Players can now save/set hero-specific keybindings
Support for Dolby ATMOS Headphones has
been added
For optimal performance, use regular headphones and change the default playback device to stereo.
For USB headphones that emulate 5.1 or 7.1, you may need to turn off any surround emulation in the headphones drivers.
Any recording or streaming done with ATMOS Headphones setting enabled will contain the same ATMOS encoded mix. The
viewing audience should also be using headphones for optimal viewing.
Switching the ATMOS mode while music is
playing will kill the music that is playing until new music is retriggered. This is a known issue and we are investigating
a fix.
In-Game UI
The payload progress bar now shows checkpoints as well as the distance to upcoming checkpoints (if < 5m)
Capture point UI art has been updated
Social Menu
All social menu screens have been updated with new art
A “Recent Players” list is now available
ability to “Rate Players” has been moved to the social menu (from the end-of-match screen)
This means that
players can rate their teammates at any time via the social menu, rather just at the end of a match
Note: “Rate this
Match” can still only be accessed via the end-of-match screen
Players can now report other players through the
social menu
Keybindings should now always save and carry over between sessions correctly
Players with full health, but
less than full shields will now appear to have “taken damage” to healers (when looking at their hero outlines)
It is
no longer possible for some AoE weapons to deal damage to an enemy player if that player is on the other side of wall
they’re partially clipping into
Ultimate charge should no longer reset whenever a player selects a different hero and then cancels while dead
Lúcio’s Crossfade buff should now properly reapply to all allies after a round transition on Control maps
Cryostasis and Ice Wall should now always display the appropriate team colors
Symmetra’s Sentry Turrets should no
longer acquire targets from inside Mei’s Ice Wall
Scoped shots against enemy turrets should no longer count as
“misses” when calculating Widowmaker’s “Scoped Accuracy” statistic
Fixed several issues where the slow effect
applied by Mei’s Endothermic Blast and Blizzard were being reset
Fixed an issue where Reinhardt’s Charge would
sometimes knock back a target that should have been pinned
Fixed an issue where Symmetra Sentry Turrets couldn’t be
placed in select (but otherwise intended) areas
Fixed an issue where some damage sources prevented by Zarya’s
Particle Barrier weren’t increasing her Ultimate charge
User Interface
Left Mouse Button and Right Mouse Button icons should now render in the F1 help menus
UI notifications for
objectives should no longer persist on screen