BaseTradeTV est une chaîne anglophone disponible sur le portail et dédiée à StarCraft II. Ces derniers temps vous avez certainement eu l'occasion de voir l'un de leurs casts tant ils ont été présents sur un nombre impressionnant de compétitions. Vous avez certainement aussi suivi l'un des tournois qu'ils ont organisés récemment comme la 32 Boys One Cup, le Who's the Best European ou le EU8 there's more.
Nous sommes allés à la rencontre de son fondateur et principal caster Graham « Rifkin » Rogers pour comprendre un peu plus comment était née cette chaîne et mieux en comprendre les objectifs. En cette période pré-BlizzCon, nous avons aussi beaucoup discuté de l'avenir de StarCraft II et de sa scène esportive.
Vous pouvez suivre BaseTradeTV sur Twitter, Facebook, ou suivre leur chaîne sur ou YouTube. Vous pouvez aussi suivre Rifkin directement sur Twitter.
Notez qu'il est possible de s'abonner à leur chaîne si vous aimez ce qu'ils font ou de tout simplement leur faire un don ici.
La Timeline des questions de l'interview (en anglais) est disponible dans le tableau ci-dessous. Vous pouvez retrouver une traduction en français de cette interview en page 2.
Timeline de l'interview |
Début | Fin | Question/Thème |
0:00 | 1:11 | Introduction |
1:12 | 2:31 | According to you, what are the key points that explain the success of BaseTradeTV ? |
2:32 | 4:24 | Do you sometimes watch your replays to see what you could improve ? |
4:25 | 06:12 | If you could do anything, what would you change in terms of production ? |
06:13 | 08:44 | How do you choose your co-caster and how do you know that it is working well with them ? |
08:45 | 09:18 | Do you think it brings something to cast with pro- or semi-pro-players ? |
09:19 | 10:02 | Apart from casters, are there any other people working for BaseTradeTV currently ? |
10:03 | 11:04 | Do you manage to live from your stream incomes ? |
11:05 | 13:51 | How do you manage to stream so much and still find some time to rest ? |
13:52 | 15:25 | Are you happy with the way the tournaments you've organized recently have been going ? |
15:26 | 17:59 | Do you think there should be more coordination in the way the tournaments schedule are set ? Who should take care of this ? |
18:00 | 19:39 | What would you change to the current organization of the WCS ? |
19:40 | 21:18 | What are your plans for the future of BaseTradeTV ? Have you ever thought of casting other games as well ? |
21:19 | 22:24 | Have you been approached to cast some offline event already ? |
22:25 | 23:09 | Do you have a particular event that you'd love to cast if you had the chance ? |
23:10 | 25:30 | How one should deal with the many Koreans that are playing in Europe and in the US ? |
25:31 | 27:53 | Apart than improving the involvement of Koreans do you think there are other things that one could do to improve the european and American scenes ? |
27:54 | 30:09 | Do you think it is mandatory for Blizzard to anounce something big at BlizzCon concerning StarCraft II ? |
30:10 | 31:03 | Who is your favorite for winning the tournament at BlizzCon ? |
31:04 | 32:19 | Do you still find some time to play StarCraft II regularly ? |
32:20 | 33:12 | As a player what would you like to see in terms of new features or new units in Legacy of the Void ? |
33:13 | 34:34 | What do you think of the new map pool only composed of old maps ? |
34:35 | 35:26 | What would you like to see in the map pool after this one ? |
35:27 | 36:17 | Final words |
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