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David Kim fait le point sur LotV et HotS

David Kim fait le point sur LotV et HotS

David Kim fait un nouveau point sur les futures évolutions de la bêta notamment pour les Protoss et aborde à nouveau un possible changement des Essaimeurs sur Heart of the Swarm.

David Kim fait le point sur LotV et HotS

Bêta : Legacy of the Void

David Kim, Senior Game Designer chez Blizzard et responsable entre autres de l'équilibrage sur Starcraft II et sur la future extension de Legacy of the Void, s'est exprimé sur les dernières évolutions prévues dans le jeu, sur les retours qu'elles avaient suscités dans la communauté et l'évolution vers laquelle elles tendent.

Cette semaine plusieurs points sont abordés :

- La possible création d'une carte de test d'équilibrage pour Heart of the Swarm où l'Essaimeur verrait son coût diminué, le nombre de points de vie des locusts diminué mais aussi leur capacité de vol disponible sans amélioration. Ceci serait effectué toujours dans le cas du ZvT et notamment face au méca.

- Nombre de joueurs ont l'impression que l'arsenal de cheeses Protoss est trop large et peu scoutable, notamment à cause des pylônes offensifs. Voila pourquoi Blizzard offre plus de possibilités aux deux autres races dans Legacy of the Void.

- Des tests sont effectués sur la Surcharge photonique du Noyau de Vaisseau-Mère. Cette dernière coûterait  moins cher mais ne serait effectuée que sur des Pylônes et ne possèderait pas de bonus de portée.

- Le nerf des Colosses semble avoir été un peu trop important et des tests sont effectués en les combinant avec des Disrupteurs et en remettant leur portée à 9 qui semblent le rendre viable.

- Les Adeptes semblent trop forts pour l'instant. Une solution envisagée est de modifier leur coût de 100/25 à 75/50, ce qui devrait retarder leur apparition, éviter leur trop grand nombre et changer les compositions Protoss.

- Le comportement des Intercepteurs du Porte-Nefs a été modifié pour permettre aux Intercepteurs d'attaquer une cible sans avoir à retourner aux Porte-Nefs.

- La nouvelle capacité de l'Immortel étant compliquée à utiliser pour la majorité des joueurs, cette dernière devient passive, ce qui permettrait aux Protoss de se concentrer sur d'autres aspects de la bataille.

- La portée de la capacité Bile corrosive du Ravageur pourrait être augmentée de 9 à 13 après une amélioration. Cette amélioration est en cours de test en interne, et ce afin de forcer les Terrans à modifier leurs compositions et ne pas se reposer uniquement sur les Tanks.

- Enfin, des idées fournies par la Communauté ont été testées en interne et n'ont pas eu les effets escomptés. Ainsi, diminuer le nombre de récolteurs par base pour augmenter la taille de l'armée n'est pas efficace puisqu'elle diminue l'intérêt des harcèlements d'ouvriers et permet de reconstruire son armée très rapidement après une bataille perdue. De même, l'idée de diminuer le taux de récolte si plus d'un est présent sur un patch pour obliger à prendre des expansions n'est pas efficace dans LotV qui requiert déjà de prendre des expansions. L'idée d'intégrer un auto-build aux unités a aussi été abandonnée car le jeu ne ressemblait plus à un RTS.


David Kim sur Mise à jour sur les retours de la Communauté (Source)

Before we begin, we’d like to send a shout-out to the highest level pro-gamers out there in Korea who are always looking to find new strategies, counters to those strategies, and doing all they can to find solutions to obstacles within the game. It is both inspiring and admirable to see top end players who work through significant adversity to adapt and find new strategies and tactics. In many of the top-end pro-level HotS games this week, we saw lots of interesting counters to certain strategies that were seen as unbeatable, and it was awesome to be reminded that there are players out there who will explore things to find their own solutions rather than immediately jumping to extreme conclusions.

Heart of the Swarm Mech/Swarm Host Balance Test Map

We’ve seen your feedback regarding TvZ mech play, and we agree that certain mech games are dragging on too long. We’ve seen a lot of potential in this area as well, as some mech games have been packed with action. These have cultivated in unique max vs. max battles with heavy tech switches on the Zerg side.

With that said, we’re testing these Swarm Host changes:

- Supply cost decreased from 4 to 3
- Cost changed from 100/200 to 200/100
- Locusts can fly without having the upgrade
- Locust health down from 65 to 50

We believe this could be a good change that helps against Terran mech and against Protoss in a fun way. To reiterate, we don’t want to jump to conclusions and we don’t know if Zerg is underpowered against mech. With this test map, we can prepare a patch if that turns out to be the case. We’ll try to get the test map up next week.

Now, let’s talk about Legacy of the Void.


Protoss Feels “Gimmicky” Compared to Other Races

Thank you for discussions in this area this week. The main points that could contribute to the “gimmicky” feelings point toward offensive warp-ins, which should be addressed with this week’s patch. So overall, this is potentially a non-issue if testing goes smoothly with the new changes.

We didn’t quite agree with some of the other main arguments in this area. We feel that the consequences of not scouting if the opponent is going for Oracles or a Dark Shrine is just StarCraft II, not a case of Protoss being gimmicky. For example, if I’m going mech and I don’t scout that the opponent is going fast Spire, I could be at a huge disadvantage because my AA isn’t out yet. The same goes for things like proxy cloaked Banshee, Baneling bust, or any strategy any race can do that requires scouting and reacting. Scouting is a critical component of StarCraft II, and we want to increase its importance in Legacy of the Void.

Our goal is to give players plenty of strategically viable openers in Void in order to have more action throughout the course of the game. That’s why we’re adding tools to other races, including individual Overlord transport, Liberator harassment, Nydus changes, Siege Tank Siege Mode drops, and so on.

With that said, more options aren’t always better. If a race just has so many options that they can’t be effectively scouted, we would obviously look into ways to either increase scouting capabilities for the other races, or reduce some options on a race. We will definitely need to do a pass at this before the game launch, so please remember to not be too quick to judge. Previous experience has shown that learning to defend something takes more time than going on the offensive with new tools.

During beta tests, small groups of players often arrive at conclusions concerning a topic and, even though their assertion may no longer be the case, they just can’t let go. We encourage everyone to be more open minded in actually discussing and testing changes during this beta so that we can work towards having the best possible StarCraft II.

It’s one of the main reasons why we’re communicating with you more than ever before—it’s unproductive to focus on preconceived notions while not paying attention to the actual state of the game.


Mothership Core Photon Overcharge

We’ve been exploring a change to how this ability works based on your suggestions. Our current change is for the ability costs less, to only be cast on Pylons, and to no longer have siege range. We’re seeing a lot more interaction with this ability use due to this change, because now there are lots of decisions to be made on both sides. For example:

How many Pylons need to be overcharged?
How many and what type of Pylon building placement is optimal in case Overcharge needs to be used?
Do you avoid their firing radius, kill the Pylon, or run away?

We haven’t been too focused on this change recently, but we will continue testing and hopefully make a call before the next balance update.



We heard your feedback that the Colossus nerf was too much, and regarding Colossi having a more general role like they do in Heart of the Swarm. We’ve been testing Colossus in combination with Disruptors and the results are cool so far. We started playtesting with their upgraded range back to 9, and the combination of the redesigned Disruptors supported by Colossi looks to be going well.



We agree that early game Adepts can be a bit too powerful, and we would like to see a greater variety in Protoss army compositions. We have been trying various suggestions internally, and are leaning towards changing their cost from 100/25 to 75/50. This will slow down how many Adepts can be massed early on, and in the later stages of the game, it’ll be more of a commitment when going heavy Adepts. Another benefit that we’re seeing in the late game is that the army composition becomes more diverse due to the minerals-to-gas ratio. We will continue reviewing this internally and hopefully get it out to the beta if testing continues to go well.


Carrier Interceptor Behavior

We’d like to thank you for your suggestions in this area. Based on your feedback, we’ve been exploring a change to issuing orders to the Interceptor. Even when Interceptors are starting to return to the Carrier, it is now possible to issue a new order to have them instantly attack another target without having to first return to the Carrier. We’ve put this change in this week’s balance patch.



We agree with your feedback in that the new ability is quite difficult to use for a majority of players, and this ability might only impact the highest-level of players out there. Therefore, we’ve been trying out having the ability auto-cast by default. We’re noticing that this change is allowing Protoss to be able to focus on the more important parts of engagements, while Immortals continue to function at a high efficiency. At the same time, in order to use the ability for maximum efficiency, the highest-level players who have the extra micro to spare should turn this off. Thank you for this suggestion, and we will continue testing this change internally before making the call to have it go out to the beta.


Ravager Upgrade

We’re playing around with a new Ravager upgrade internally that increases the cast range of Corrosive Bile from 9 to 13. The idea here is to have a stronger counter to Siege Tank and entice Terran players to use different unit compositions depending on how the Zerg is playing. For example, if Zerg is going heavy Hydra/Lurkers, units like Liberators or Siege Tanks would be stronger, whereas if Zerg is going heavy Roach/Ravagers, Siege Tanks or Liberators might not be as strong as other units such as Cyclones or speed-upgraded Banshees.


Further Learnings From Internal Testing

Finally, we’d like to talk about a couple major changes suggested by our community that didn’t quite turn out to have as positive of an effect as we had hoped. We’ve been discussing and playtesting the following two areas internally, and have decided that both are not fit for beta testing.

- Reducing the number of workers per base so that army sizes become bigger

    When trying out this change, we determined that reducing the workers needed per base isn’t good for the game because many of the coolest moments in StarCraft II come from worker harassment. With fewer workers, it was just too easy to rebuild after taking economic damage, making these moments less meaningful.

    We also looked into feedback suggesting we reduce the efficiency of workers when more than 1 is mining at a single mineral patch. This was aimed at making expanding result in a higher income more often than not, even when on an equal worker count. What we found is that expanding quickly and often already feels like a big advantage in Void, so this change does not feel all that different in terms of when you want to expand. Also, when you do expand faster and have your workers more spread out, it’s easier to replenish workers that you’ve lost to harassment. As we stated above, this is the opposite of what we’re looking to accomplish with the economy changes.

- Introducing auto-build on units

    This changed up the game to such a great degree that the game didn’t feel like StarCraft II anymore. It also wasn’t as simple as it sounds. New issues kept popping up, including difficulties expanding or saving up resources, since float was automatically being spent.

Even though we won’t be testing either of these changes in the beta, we wanted to get our results out to you for better communication. Thank you for your continued support during the beta, and please remember that while discussions are important, actually playtesting the beta is critical to the success of Legacy of the Void. Please check out the major changes that went into this week’s patch in actual games, and continue giving us your feedback. We appreciate all the effort you’re putting into making this the best version of StarCraft II yet.

Thank you.

Dyoss il y a 9 ans

On va attendre la sortie officiel du jeu parce que la on dirai qu'ils savent pas ce qu'ils font

stilt il y a 9 ans

Toujours plus d'unités aériennes et de déséquilibres sur le late game... Sans compter le fait que les deathballs semblent toujours être d'actualité(enfin, c'est la conséquence de tout déséquilibre late game...), DK est partie pour concocter une mixture encore pire qu'hots. Et puis l'effacement des macros risquent de faciliter le jeu de trop pour la scène pro. Qu'est ce qui différenciera soO d'un autre?

stilt il y a 9 ans

Toujours plus d'unités aériennes et de déséquilibres sur le late game... Sans compter le fait que les deathballs semblent toujours être d'actualité(enfin, c'est la conséquence de tout déséquilibre late game...), DK est partie pour concocter une mixture encore pire qu'hots. Et puis l'effacement des macros risquent de faciliter le jeu de trop pour la scène pro. Qu'est ce qui différenciera soO d'un autre?


En Continu

11:47 Blizzard a peut-être confirmé par erreur le développement de son prochain gros jeu
09:48 Blizzard serait en train de préparer un nouveau jeu StarCraft
10:55 "Ces idiots continuent de les acheter", ce jeu culte a rapporté moins d'argent qu'une monture sur WoW, et c'est un ancien employé de Blizzard qui l'explique
15:58 Blizzard : Cataclysme pour les joueurs chinois qui n'auront bientôt plus accès à ces jeux
13:01 Activision Blizzard : Après la chute, les affaires reprennent doucement !
17:06 WoW Dragonflight, Overwatch 2 : Les joueurs francophones sont-ils abandonnés par l'entreprise ?
16:32 Blizzard : Des chffres en hausse, la lumière au bout du tunnel ?
17:14 Activision Blizzard : Les chiffres s'écroulent... Le rachat par Microsoft fera-t-il du bien ?
04:46 BlizzCon : La conférence de l'éditeur de WoW et Diablo bientôt de retour ?
17:53 Activision Blizzard : L'éditeur de CoD et Diablo prend une décision surprenante


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