Bêta Legacy of the Void
La bêta de Legacy of the Void a permis, entre autres, de mettre en place une nouvelle interface sociale qui était réclamée depuis longtemps par la communauté. Depuis sa mise en place, les avis et propositions ont afflué sur le topic du forum dédié. Si Blizzard ne communique pas officiellement à ce sujet, leur community manager Psione a tenu à faire une mise au point sur les progrès, améliorations et changements qui sont en cours d'élaboration et ce, grâce aux retours fournis par la communauté.
Par exemple, en ce qui concerne le chat et les canaux qui y sont associés, les développeurs utilisent une version modifiée et adaptée à Starcraft II de celle qui a été mise en place pour Heroes of the Storm. De même, un des plus grands soucis était l'impossibilité de séparer les différents canaux pour pouvoir suivre de manière claire les discussions qui s'y déroulaient. Dorénavant, il sera possible d'isoler un canal, mais pas de le mettre dans une fenêtre à part. Enfin, le chat va recevoir diverses améliorations telles que la possibilité d'agrandir ou d'élargir la fenêtre de discussion.
Blizzard sur Considérations sur le chat de Legacy of the Void (Source)
We wanted to touch on the chat channel topic a bit here. We know we haven’t provided a lot of details on this and we wanted to give some more information on these changes and let you know what to expect in future beta patches.
The chat changes have been something we’ve planned since the start of beta. We’d seen a lot of feedback from players looking for ways to improve the social experience, and we wanted help address this by starting with the chat channel changes. When looking at the changes we wanted to make, we felt implementing a modified version of the chat style used in Heroes of the Storm would be a good starting point. It has a lot of the basic elements we were looking for, and had already been extensively tested in this engine. However, from there, we had planned to diverge from the functionality that existed in Heroes and make changes that would be directed towards the StarCraft experience. We’re currently working on some of these changes and we plan to have some implemented in the major beta patch.
Some of the upcoming changes actually address a few of the points mentioned earlier.
Posted by TheSkunk
The ability to condense chats but still have the option to split them off into separate tabs, because both the old chat and the new chat can get messy
We’ll still have channels, but you’ll now have the option to isolate to a single channel through a drop down menu at the top left corner of the chat. It will list all the channels you’re currently a part of. You won’t be able to break out into separate windows, but this new versions keeps everything tidy while also making it very clear which channels you are in and allows you to quickly move around to them.
Posted by TheSkunk 05/28/2015 12:40 PM
Let players resize the chat, and/or make it larger by default as long as that can be done without blocking/covering up other UI elements. Many players complain the new chat is too small/hard to read and the small size necessitates the removal of useful features like the channel member list, additionally the small size makes it feel unimportant.
The width of the chat window will be increased as well as the height. Additionally, there will be an option to make the height even larger than the new default size. Along with this, we plan to adjust some of the UI elements around the chat window so the increased chat window size doesn’t interfere with key functionality. The channel member list will also be re-added. The new list will be contained in the single chat window, but it will show the participants of all channels you’re currently a part of. There will be a header for each chat channel you’re in with the members list for that channel underneath. You can expand or collapse these headers depending on which member lists you’d like visible. This makes it easy to quickly figure out who is in each channel.
We hope that this new version will introduce some new improvements to the new functionality introduced in the last patch. We’ll continue to iterate and add polish to this feature, and we welcome your continued feedback in this area.
Ces améliorations sont en cours de développement, et seront mises en place à chaque nouveau patch déployé avec, ces fois-ci, de véritables annonces officielles de la part de Blizzard.