[M] Drui : Hello Forg1ven, thanks you for your time. First of all, what do you think about the current meta-game ?
Forg1ven : I don't have any specific thoughts about the metagame. I have seen worse let's say that, i don't like how the game is for like a year and a half almost.
Let's talk about your champions pool. A lot of people says that you can't play Kog'Maw or even Vayne. Is that true ?
Forg1ven : I play a lot of champions which are visible to everyone that can open LoLKing and see my champ history from past seasons to current one, it mostly depends on my teams what they want me to play
What are your pronostic about the EU LCS this year, with Vitality, Fnatic, Origen and your team ?
Forg1ven : I think Origen will be 1st and then it will be a fight for the others places between the teams you mentioned.
We saw you playing for a lot of team in the past years. Wich one do you prefer ? (CW, SK, Gambit, H2k (even if it's too early :D))
Forg1ven : I can't judge H2k cause it's super early, SK was the best era and CW was the most fun.
What do you think about the new LCS format for the Summer Split ?
Forg1ven : I don't mind the LCS formats I prefer as less games as possible for the less possible burn out of players.
Your goal is to go to Worlds. Do you think 2016 is your year ?
Forg1ven : I think the Worlds question can't be answered at the moment, we haven't even played a single game ;p
Did you have other offers for 2016 ? We heared something about CLG... Can you tell us something more ?
Forg1ven : Yes I had the most offers I had ever. As a player I wanted to go to NA and it didn't happen so I stay in Europe for many splits in a row already
You played HotS a lot. If you have the chance to be a professionnal gamer at this game (imagine that HotS is in the same scale as LoL), would you like to change ?
Forg1ven : I like HoTS more but league has a more developed professional scene thats why I decided to stay in LCS.
Any message for the community ?
Forg1ven : I will try to display the same quality I did every single split and so now I hope it goes good so people are satisfied!
H2k's line-up for the Spring Split 2016.
Moments _ Memories EU LCS Summer Split 2015 LoL - League of Legends |