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English interview - Interview de Lothar, capitaine de Nihilum

Interview de Lothar, capitaine de Nihilum
English interview
  • Interview en Français

Lothar, famous Nihilum team leader and English caster, very appreciated by the community, give us some of his time for an interview. He talks about his life, his team, Hearthstone, and some... special subjects. 

Lothar interviewed by Zolka

LotharZolka : Hey Lothar! How are you ?

Lothar :  Hi Jason! I’m fine! Hearthstone scene is developing so fast and there is a lot to do!


Thank you for your time and for this interview. Before we start, could you introduce yourself for those who don’t already know you ?

My name is Jakub Szygulski, more known as Lothar, I'm 30 years old and I'm a Hearthstone pro player. I'm also an amateur bodybuilder and guitarist.


Music ? What kind of music ?

Progressive metal mostly, I love djent which is a branch of metal.


Then if you should stop working in eSport and video games, would you be a musician ?

That was my dream before I became a pro-gamer. I had few bands, we were releasing music, touring, the usual stuff that bands do. But in fact, success in music is something you rarely see. So after few tries I ditched the idea. I still want to play but I'm not dreaming about a career with a metal band anymore.


Nice! Then if I didn't know you via eSport, it'd be via music ?

Haha, maybe.


If I’m not wrong, you’re a team leader, a player, and a caster. Which one do you prefer ?

Correct, all three. I love all roles. I have a very competitive spirit so I love playing, but I also enjoy the team manager experience that takes care of his team and I like appearing publicly so I love casting. I'm motivated to improve my English, to become better on live broadcast.


Can you tell us what a « team leader » does in a team ?

I am scheduling tournaments, take care of contact with organizers, contact with the media, arranging travels and accommodation, solving problems that my players could have so they can be focus on playing.


A lot of professional players of Hearthstone had played to Magic. Did you ?

I played many TCGs. Doom Trooper, Magic, Dark Eden, Pokemon,Lothar LotR, Star Wars, Legend of the Five Rings, War Cry, Dark Millenium, Vampire, World of Warcraft and others.

My biggest success was with WoW TCG. I was ranked #1 in limited and constructed in Poland for 4 years in a row and I was top10 in the world at the same time.


So I guess the question : « Why Hearthstone and not LoL or CS GO ? » doesn't make sense ?

Oh yes it has sense ! I was a semi-professional player on Counter Strike: Source, I was the founder of the best polish clan at the time : Volenti Nihil Difficile. But the scene was too young so that didn’t make sense.

Nowadays I'm playing CSGO, mostly in solo Q. I still enjoy it and I will stream it when I'll buy a new PC.

LoL? I only enjoy it when I’m playing with my friends. Solo Q is disgusting.


eSport is in your veins !

Haha, kinda.


What do you think about BRM ? Does BRM have more impact than Naxx or GvG ?

I think Naxxramas had the biggest impact, because it was the first expansion and because of Undertaker and Sludge Belcher. I love the cards from BRM too. I like that they decreased the impact of RNG in the game.


Do you like the current meta ?

I think current meta is too huge. It's like there is no meta ! I don't like that because it also has an impact on tournament. But for casual players and ladder in general that's great. People have more options when it comes to legitimate decks.


What about Huntard ? Do you think Blizzard is able to handle the situation ?

I trust blizzard (most of the time). I think having a class like hunter is ok. In my opinion zero mana cards is a problem. Innervate is a problem that will have to be solved. Wisp might be very strong in some combo after few expansions. I’m serious !


What do you think about your own current performance ?

I'm slacking, I wasn't happy with being top 8 at SeatStory Cup or the semifinals of last Dreamhack. I knew I could have won the whole Dreamhack so being 3rd is not something I was fighting for. As I said, I'm really competitive, I try to improve myself every time. I will be better in the future.


You think you lost beLotharcause of you, or because of HS ? I mean… luck.

Both actually. When my Druid couldn't win a single game I was really disappointed. I think I made a mistake by attacking with my Shade too early but in general, in the semifinals I think I had a little lack of luck. But it's a card game, it can happen !


But is the luck in Hearthstone too determinant ?

No it's not, there is a ton of small misplays that you can make in the game. That’s why Strifecro, Kolento and Lifecoach are top tier : their mistake rate is very small. Hearthstone is a very aggressive game and it punishes players.


What do you think about the Conquest format and the new WCH ?

I' don't know what to think about the Conquest, I like it and I don't like it at the same time. I think we have to develop other formats too. I don't think it should be a default system. And I really dislike the point distribution. I prefer the top16 like last year because everyone had the exact same chances of qualifying for BlizzCon.


What would you change in HS ?

I would add tournament in-game mode and change the Innervate to:

Choose one: Add one mana or gain two mana crystals at this turn


Now, serious time...Left-handed or right-handed ? If you know what I mean…

I always open bottles with my left hand *Kappa*.


Cat or rabbit ?



Apple or Android ?


Apple for tablets, android for phones.


Coke or Pepsi ?



What's your favorite beers ?

I really like polish local beers and German Weiss beers.


Do you like Reynad ?

Yep, we are friends. I really like him, he has a unique personality.


Do you like me ?

Of course !


So... Would you marry me ?

Sorry, already married.


A lot of World of Warcraft's fans have the same question. Is kungen homo ?

I don’t know, ask to his boyfriend.


More seriously, can you tell me something about you that nobody knows ?

I was dating five girls simultaneously, years ago.


Amazing ! One last word for us ?

I had fun during this interview ! Don't forget to visit my Twitter and my stream where I am every morning. And a big thank you to my sponsor Kinguin !

Thanks a lot Lothar !


Un petit deal avec l'aubergiste vous tente ? Certains ont tenté, mais on ne sait pas s'ils sont parvenu à leurs fins...
  • Interview en Français
  • English interview


En Continu

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17:33 Cette fonctionnalité de protection ne sera plus disponible pour vos jeux Blizzard, et voici ce que vous devez faire pour protéger votre compte WoW



Warcraft Direct : WoW, Hearthstone, Rumble... Toutes les annonces qu'il faut retenir pour les 30 ans de la licence !
"Warcraft n'est pas prêt de bouger de notre identité", entre nostalgie et avenir, interview avec l'équipe d'Hearthstone pour les 10 ans du jeu !


à découvrir

Quels decks jouer en Standard ?
Hearthstone guides de decks
Cartes Divisés dans la Vallée d'Alterac : le Top à Craft Neutre