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English version - Interview de ShLaYa

Interview de ShLaYa
English version
  • Interview

Tony « ShLaYa » Carmona, midlaner for team Millenium and NA-LCS analyst is answering our questions. One month after his last one ShLaya answer us once again to give us more information about the team. He is givng us his felling about the meta, the tournaments, the last patch and the competitives scenes.


Obodrel : First of all, hi and thank you for answering our questions. You've already answered our questions when you arrived at Millenium one month ago. Yet the team has evolved, you won a couple of tournaments, but others things happened. Now, how do you feel inside the team and which role do you think is yours ?

ShLaYa : Hello everyone ! First of all, thanks to interview me again, always a pleasure :D. Yes, the team has evolved. Migxa leaving set down the mood, I must admit, but we're gone over this, with new basis we qualified for two major tournaments. Today goal is to find the player who will be able to join us ! For instance Dioud is replacing, I hope he will stay, he is cool and skilled. To my mind, I think I'm a little bit « the team's strategist », after all, this is how they think I am. Oh yeah, I forgot something, I'm also the angel in the house because I prefer the GH to be clean.

Tons of responsibilities, but let's focus onto the team itself. Recently new teammates joined. The first was Shaunz after some troubles in ImSoFresh's connexion when he was gone back in Belgium. How did the team and especially you reacted to that change which was not that bad ?

ShLaYa : Nah, Shaunz joined us for the WCG because we need a full French team, then we saw his mood and devotion for the public who's following us was corresponding our expectations. This is why we chose to ask him to be our 6th player knowing the fact he can't be 100% ready because of his study. That's convenient for both side, his and ours, so everyone is happy :). The outcome is there's no big pressure onto the team if someone can't be there, most of us can play everywhere (or nearly).

With Shaunz, you went through the WCG qualifiers' first two stages, but narrowly missed out the TLP qualification. Is it that much different to play with him ?

ShLaYa : Fresh and Shaunz both have two different styles, you have to adapt to their playstyle. Therefore it takes some time, but that's not a problem, the team just needs to be flat out behind their jungler to give them confidence :) .

Regarding the junglers, let's speak about the last patch : the 3.10. Inside this one, lanes can't make the small jungle camps when they appear, is that a nerf or just a new balance ?

ShLaYa : Let's say a new balance, I'm not very affected by this patch as midlaner, that's why I didn't notice the outcome onto both jungler and botlane. It has been done because these camps were still done at 1.55 and still gave the advantage early. That's why it is saw as a new balance.

Another change brought by the patch, the long-awaited rework of Master Yi. What do you think of it, and what would be your thoughts about this champion ? Is he viable in midlane ?

ShLaYa : Roughly said, he went from " Annoying-OP " to " OP " :D PLZ RIOT #NERF

On a theorycrafting level, would it be possible to see him at the LCS or in another big tournament? If so, where and how ?

ShLaYa : I believe him to be viable in mid/jungle/top, as a result there's a strong possibility for him to be chosen. He is strongly based on splitpush/assassin, a gameplay often used throughout the LCS. So let's wait and see :) .

Another memorable fact happened, Migxa left and Dioud came a temporary sub. Your ex-teammate came back with you. You've already spoke about this a little, but could you develop a bit more ? How did you fell it, and how do you foresee personally this collaboration ?

ShLaYa : I know Dioud, he is the kind of guy who is boosting a team and I entirely believe in him (that's what happened in the LCS while we were both *aAa*) and I'm not waiting that much about him. He didn't decide yet if he will stay with us or not (even if I want him to stay), if he decide to be one of us, I'm waiting for him to be the French Madlife :D. I love playing with him, I think we have both the same way of think, that's why everything is fine. I'm waiting he decision impatiently, and I'm currently happy he is helping us even if it's still temporary. :)

It sounds great, let's speak about your last experiments. You've commented the NA-LCS with Zephimir last week end. What do you think about the American scene, and who is going to be in the S3WC ?

ShLaYa : I appreciate all the scenes, I am found of watching streams, let's say it is my favorite hobby. If I'm not playing, I'm watching a stream, and the opposite (it happens to make both at the same time). That's why casting the LCS permit Zephimir not to be alone, and he thanked me for this. That has been appreciated by all the followers, then ... it made me happy :). Concerning the American scene, there's a clear domination of the C9 and it is very pleasing to see an underdogs dominate the whole scene. So, the American teams who will be qualified for S3WC, I say C9 and after maybe Vulcun and TSM.

Few days ago, the TPA have been defeated is their region's playoffs qualification, just as the ahq, current leaders of the GPL. What do you think about these eliminations as they won't be part of the S3WC ?

ShLaYa : To be honest, this is the only scene i'm not following, concerning the GPL, I'm not able to have an objective point of view onto these players. They are still a great fear, we saw the TPA have been champions, they need to regain prestige, and the other teams are really motivated to won this year and show who is the new Taiwan's team !

After this great final, competition will be harsher than ever to count on participating to season 4. Which are the LCS teams, in your opinion, that will remain, and which new talent teams will appear ?

ShLaYa : In Europe, everything is conceivable given the results, as for the new comers, maybe the CW, but without Rekkles, it will be different for them, and for the Fnatic, it will be a real good thing.

You won a couple of tournaments, and especially the DH Valencia, how could you analyse the way the team evolved during these event, even if the outcome was a loss or either a win ?

ShLaYa : We can do nothing except improving ourselves, if we lose, we will get better, and if we win we will want to get better. The future can only be positive.

That's clear the team got a certain level, but objectively, where would you situate the lineup skill, comparing with the other teams ? What to think about the S4 without support ?

ShLaYa : We are living now, I don't want to foresee, I hope we will go in the S4 and it's our goal. We have to settle the basis in order to have an easy way to LCS.

Let's be less serious, but still accurate, what about the new metas. When you play, you more and more pick Shen and Xin Zhao. It seems that the team try to create a two sololaner trend. What is your feeling about this as analyst ?

ShLaYa : I'm a bit obstinate about my picks, I think that what I pick is the best for the team. That's why I'm am "freestyle" just like Fresh (we qualified with Shyvana jungle and Zyra mid in the BO3 for the insomnia49).

If a new way of play that you pretty like need to be under the spotlight, which one would it be and why ?

ShLaYa : Not one way of play, but some ! I want to be the most unpredictable as possible in order to make the surprise in our play-style. I pretty love how the C9 play, so let's say copy a bit !

Well, thank you for all ShLaYa. Got any last words for your french fans and all your followers around the world ?

ShLaYa : Yes, I won't ever thank you enough for all you are doing for me. Without you guys, I'm Astérix without Obélix or Dupont without Dupond or Tic without Tac. We can't be separated, at least I hope. Furthermore I'm seeing some good comments about my streams and it gives me more and more desire to continue streaming for you. Honestly, thanks to giving me the chance to work with my passion, I hope I'm giving it you back in a good way. The LCS was the end of a chapter of my life, and now, it's another one which starts with Millenium, and an incredible one. Of course, you're part of this. I invite you to follow me and the team onto Twitter and Facebook . We're a big family who's only asking to grow !

  • Interview
  • English version
raduciu il y a 11 ans

on sent qu'il s'amuse en jouant et c'est agreable .

maelyangus il y a 11 ans

Haha je vois que je suis pas le seul à SoloQ tout en regardant un stream ^^<br /> <br /> En tout cas nice interview, très sympa ce Shlaya. Je pense vraiment que la double casquette entre commentateur et joueur peut être une excellente chose. Analyser en précision le jeu des adversaires peut permettre de se remettre en question<br /> <br /> Suffis de voir ToD sur SC2 :)<br /> <br /> En espérant que des bonnes choses à M.LoL :)

N0rPak il y a 11 ans

raduciu ils ont eu une pause pour retourner chez eux, et si tu regarde sur lolking ils ont commence à se rentrainer en team (2 win, 2 loose hier). <br /> Le stream des entrainements n'arrivera que rarement vu que sinon les stratégies qu'ils essayent de mettre en place seront devoilés. Mais si ils s'entrainent en ladder tu peux tjrs spectate depuis le truc challenger de ton launcher

hadesmm il y a 11 ans

Bonne itw, il est cool ce ShLaYa

raduciu il y a 11 ans

en fait je voulais dire me semble pas vous voir vous entrainez , sur vos main account , apres je suis decu que vous streamiez jamais dentrainement ou soyez pas streamer par qqun .PArcque la solo q a force ca soule un peu

raduciu il y a 11 ans

merci pour l'interview et je trouve que shlaya est un super streameur.<br /> Mais j'ai plusieurs question : <br /> pourquoi la team s'entraine pas dutout en ce moment ?<br /> pourquoi millenium ne veut pas qu'il y ai un stream de la team perso? ( les sousous la concurrence ) ?<br /> est ce que millenium au fond ne se sert de vous que dans ses propres objectifs...<br /> vu comment vus slaker sur le ladder pensez vous devenir competitif un jour ?

MagoCE il y a 11 ans

@bester repercution sur M suite à une line up chez thunderbot? c'est une blague ou bien? Je vois pas ce que thunderbot vient faire ici. Si thunderbot monte une line up francaise c'est sans doute avec spontexx et nono deux gros rageux de la scene fr (avec peut etre linak en jungle) donc à part suivre le meme chemin que M niveau drama niveau repercution y en aura pas.

Obodrel il y a 11 ans

@Padrohl : Pourrais tu préciser s'il te plait? Où se touvent les fautes, et pourquoi t'insurges tu contre les répétitions grossières?

Padrohl il y a 11 ans

Attention tout de même à la rédaction Millenium ! (fautes, répétitions grossières).

DocStark33 il y a 11 ans

Pas mal cette itw

bester il y a 11 ans

Ouais, moi je me demande quand la nouvelle structure de HyrQ voudras constituer une équipe pro LOL comment ça va se répercuter sur M. <br /> A ce que j'ai compris HyrQ veut faire une équipe pro LOL et 100% Française.<br /> Je suis toujours pas convaincu sur le long terme par cette line-up M, Shlaya dis tout le temps qu'il veut aller au LCS pour la S4, donc si M ne se qualifie pas je pense qu'il ira voir ailleurs a ce moment là.

Sam2763 il y a 11 ans

ShLaYa <3 <br /> J'espère vraiment que Dioud restera dans l'équipe, elle aurait fière allure comme ça (d'autant qu'il y a l'air d'y avoir une sacrée ambiance entre les frenchies, en témoigne le stream avec hyrq)

SG.MarA il y a 11 ans

Quel homme ce Shlaya <3


En Continu

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