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English version - Interview Maddelisk Mai 2013

Interview Maddelisk Mai 2013
English version
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[M]DamCx : Hi Maddelisk. Thank you for taking some time for this interview. How are you?

[M] Maddelisk : I'm great thanks

You've been in the Millenium team for a few months. How are you feeling?

I am so happy to be a part of Millenium. It's by far the best team I've been in, all categories. I have great teammates that I do practice some with, it's very helpful for me. I got to meet most of them at Dreamhack Open in Stockholm that was really nice too.

Yes, tell me more about the meeting at the DreamHack. You shared a a pic with almost all the team. Was it the first time you meet your teammates ?

Yes it was the first time I met them. I've met LaLuSh before tho.

Who was the nicest one ? :)

[Laughs] I would say Dayshi. He is the one I talked to the most as he was the only one who stayed for the later part of the tournament. Forgg was really funny too. His english was surprisingly good. But all of them were really nice and we all cheered for each other.

What you do you think of the results of your teammates in WCS?

I would say feast was a bit unlucky. I'm sure he could have made it out of the group and the games were close. ForGG is doing great and I'm very happy for him. He is practicing so much and really deserves it. I'm a bit disappointed in Dayshi tho. It was his group to win but he decided to not get the rest he needed before the matches. So it's a bit sad that he didn't make it out of his group. But I think he learnt the lesson and will come back next season!

What about you? When will we see you in WCS?

Sadly I couldn't play the qualifiers for challanger leage this time. I will try next time for sure.

We can see you every week on the Millenium TV with Nazca. Were you the one asking to stream, or was it an idea from Llewellys?

It was Llewellys who suggested it. I wish I spoke french, it would make it so much easier! I'm happy to have Nazca on the show tho. She is very helpful.

Which is the part from the show you prefer?

It's been a lot of fun to play with lower league viewers. The viewers and Nazca get to decide a handicap to make it harder for me. For example to only attack with queens or to play with one hand (that was terribly hard tho!).

When you're not streaming, what else do you do, for StarCraft 2?

I watch streams and replays to get ideas from other players. It's really useful. I also watch my own replays sometimes to figure out why I lost and how to fix it (if the loss doesn't make me too angry^^). I also cast the for the swedish championship about once a month. I will also cast the finals of the swedish championship (esportsm) at DreamHack Summer.

Well, you seem quite busy. I heard you were planning to go to the Gaming House, during the summer. Are you happy about that?

Yes! I will go there at the end of june. I have a math conference in Paris the week before so I will go to the gaming house after. It will be a lot of fun to practice with no distractions. I'm looking forward to meet everyone there too.

What do yo expect from the trip to the gaming house?

I expect to get a lot of good practice, that's the most important thing.

You talked about a math conference. What is the easiest thing, according to you : math or StarCraft 2 ?

[Laughs] It's hard to compare because it's very different. I feel like with SC2 I usually see/understand what to do if I just give it some minutes. My problem is to execute it. But with math the problem is to figure out the solution and sometimes I feel lost for weeks. When I figure it out the hard part is done.

HotS has been released for a few months. Do you feel the same than at the beginning?

At the beginning of HotS I was happy about zvp and sad about zvz. It's all getting better and better. I had a very hard time in zvt at the start since zerg had so many new terran tricks to adapt to. But I'm starting to figure it out and I like HotS more and more for every day.

Do you think the change of the Spore Crawler will help to improve the ZvZ matchup?

I think it will help but I don't think it's a good change. It will encourage a camping style with less action if one player decides to go mutas and the other one not. The mutalisk player will still have full mapcontrol and will be able to macro up freely while the opponent can't safely leave their base until they have enough roaches, hydras and infestors.

What would be a better change, in your opinion?

Maybe a better air attack vs biological for hydras or queens. But it's hard to say. The point is that it would be better if the non mutalisk player could leave their base :)

Thank you for your answers. Do you wanna add something for the readers and your fans?

First of all I would like to take the opportunity to thank Llewellys for adding me to the team. I'm really greatful to him for that. And big thanks to all of my followers out there. Every follower and every comment you make means a lot. <3


You can follow [M]Maddelisk on Facebook, Twitter and TwitchTV.

  • Version française
  • English version
Pikazo il y a 11 ans

Daishy va falloir sortir les APM :D <3

Mun Su il y a 11 ans

Tain t'es en forme vlm ♥

vlm il y a 11 ans

"je suppose". Lol le fanboy qui n'assume pas !!!

Roof29 il y a 11 ans

Plus belle la vie je suppose.

Enileda il y a 11 ans


Etoza il y a 11 ans

"Dayshi le sait déjà ils ont choisi exprès d'y aller en même temps."<br /> <br /> Ohhhhhh. C'est meugnon ... ***o***. <br /> <br /> PBLV à la GH soon ? :D

Verbowl il y a 11 ans

mid/top master me semble

genzzz il y a 11 ans

Quel est le level de Madelisk ? top master / gm ?

SiKeN il y a 11 ans

Dayshi le sait déjà ils ont choisi exprès d'y aller en même temps.

Aciera il y a 11 ans

sympa l'interview, dayshi va être content que maddelisk passe à la gh ;)

velvo il y a 11 ans

"Ce sera vraiment sympa de pouvoir s'entrainer beaucoup, sans dérangements."<br /> <br /> Tu vas apprendre à connaitre Bob tkt.

Lancelot il y a 11 ans

Bob, Ogar et MaddeLisk sur World of Tanks. Go !

eYered il y a 11 ans

elle est contente d'être chez millenium... elle a pas regardé le stream de hier soir elle ! <3

Pibeurthss il y a 11 ans

Tu crois quoi ? Ils attendent que ça la GH !

DarkSquirrel il y a 11 ans

1h20 avant le premier commentaires sexiste bravo

Pibeurthss il y a 11 ans

Elle devrait faire des séances shooting pour un calendrier Millenium pendant son passage à la GH .. Histoire de rentabiliser son temps :)

Verbowl il y a 11 ans

"Ce sera vraiment sympa de pouvoir s'entrainer beaucoup, sans dérangements."<br /> <br /> Entre les rires de DZT et les hurlements de Bob elle va être servie xD

FoUsTy il y a 11 ans

Bon et donc le patch note il est où? Oo

s3r4ph1n il y a 11 ans

GH ? OMG you will discover the most congested city in france. And our climate is really different^^ GL to support 35-40°C, +15 °C compared with sweden! (i mean south sweden).<br /> Nice interview btw =)

damcx il y a 11 ans

Liens corrigés


En Continu

11:47 Blizzard a peut-être confirmé par erreur le développement de son prochain gros jeu
09:48 Blizzard serait en train de préparer un nouveau jeu StarCraft
10:55 "Ces idiots continuent de les acheter", ce jeu culte a rapporté moins d'argent qu'une monture sur WoW, et c'est un ancien employé de Blizzard qui l'explique
15:58 Blizzard : Cataclysme pour les joueurs chinois qui n'auront bientôt plus accès à ces jeux
13:01 Activision Blizzard : Après la chute, les affaires reprennent doucement !
17:06 WoW Dragonflight, Overwatch 2 : Les joueurs francophones sont-ils abandonnés par l'entreprise ?
16:32 Blizzard : Des chffres en hausse, la lumière au bout du tunnel ?
17:14 Activision Blizzard : Les chiffres s'écroulent... Le rachat par Microsoft fera-t-il du bien ?
04:46 BlizzCon : La conférence de l'éditeur de WoW et Diablo bientôt de retour ?
17:53 Activision Blizzard : L'éditeur de CoD et Diablo prend une décision surprenante


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