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Actualités - La race Mantide en archeologie

La race Mantide en archeologie
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Une nouvelle race d’archéologie vient d’apparaître sur les PTR du patch 5.2 : les Mantides ! Oui ces défenseurs des Dieux Très Anciens viennent enfin apporter une contribution historique qui sera sans doute passionnante sur les mystères de la Pandarie.

Pour l’instant, très peu d’objets sont disponibles sur Wowhead et Mmo Champion. Essentiellement les « artefacts ». Mais on notera qu’ils sont une fois encore en version « pristine » (restaurée), et viendront donc compléter le musée du siège de la connaissance.



Voici la liste des objets qu'il sera possible de reconstituer, avec leurs descriptifs en anglais :

- Ancient Sap Feeder (New) The mantid prefer to age Kypari sap before consumption, and they use devices such as these for the process. You can see from this ancient example that the design has not changed very much over time. 2 sec cast.

- Banner of the Mantid Empire (New) While the mantid do use windwool and imperial silk, their preferred material is a type of "fabric" fashioned from the wings of various insectoid creatures - including themselves. This banner is an example. 2 sec cast.

- Inert Sound Beacon (New) The technology behind mantid sound beacons is incomprehensible for non-mantid races. They seem to rely on mantid physiology. This ancient beacon, while intact, is completely inert without mantid to interact with it. 2 sec cast.

- Kypari Sap Container (New) This container, though amber in color, is actually made from kunchong secretions. This is true of many of the more mundane pieces of mantid furniture. 2 sec cast.

- Mantid Lamp (New) The glow from this lamp is neither from fire nor magic. Inside, you can see many glowing insects preserved in amber. 2 sec cast.

- Mantid Sky Reaver (New) This ancient “sky reaver” sword is intended for use by airborne mantid: it is extremely light and well-balanced, meant to be swung in wide circular arcs by an attacker dive-bombing from the sky. Most mantid shed their wings as a rite of passage once they grow strong enough to wield heavy armor and weapons – it is rare to find such worksmanship in a mantid light blade. This was likely once wielded by a paragon. 2 sec cast.

- Pollen Collector (New) It is difficult to discern the purpose of this object, but it seems to be a pollen collector of some sort. 2 sec cast.

- Remains of a Paragon (New) Apparently the amber preservation process is not without risk. Only the head of this paragon remains. It appears to predate the pandaren revolution, although pinning down the precise era is impossible. 2 sec cast.

- Sonic Pulse Generator (New) Mantid can generate and hear sounds from a much broader spectrum than those available to the other mortal races. Their innate understanding of extremely high and low frequencies allows mantid to create weapons such as this. The sonic pulses delivered from this apparatus can actually tear muscle and organs apart at the cellular level; direct hits can liquefy one’s innards. 2 sec cast.

- The Praying Mantid (New) This Klaxxi'va statue dates back almost to the arrival of the Titans. Inscribed around the base of this statue is a prayer to "the seven headed one". The word "klaxxi" meant "priest" in the old tongue. 2 sec cast.


Ilizur avec Sapo et Zareick

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